September 2018 - The summer hiatus is almost over and we are getting set for next month's MAM dinner. We will be kicking off with the Injured Marine Semper Fi Fund. Please be sure to call the Old Brogue in Great Falls, VA at (703) 759-3309 and make a reservation for either the 5:30 or 7:30 seating.
For those not familiar with the MAM dinners, you simply come and order off the extensive Brogue menu. The Brogue, the Bob Nelson Team and our cosponsors will each make a donation equal to 10 percent of your dinner tab. This typically ends up being about 150 percent. Simply put, if you spend $20 on dinner, $30 will go to the Semper Fi Fund. In addition, we will be doing a raffle for a large number of items. We will, of course, also welcome donations.
There have been over 60,000 casualties since 9/11/2001. Come help let those who serve know that we have their backs.
Feel free to contact us if you would like to learn more about becoming a cosponsor.